Happy New Year

Happy New Year to all.  I’m curious what today represents to you.  Truth be told, it is a day just like all others.  24 hours.  No more, no less.  A cold day if you live in Fargo.  Just like so many this winter.  For me it’s about college football, even though my team, the Michigan Wolverines aren’t playing.  Go blue!  For many, I suspect, it is about recovering from last’s night celebration.  Whatever this day means to you, I wish you a Happy New Year!

So, do we just turn a page on the calendar today.  Perhaps a new page in the book of life.  For some perhaps it is a new chapter.  I have a good friend who has spoke often in the last months about starting a new book.  “Don’t start a new chapter, start a new book!”  She says.  How interesting.

Many of you know this last year was “the best of times and the worst of times” for me.  Mostly worst.  As I sit here during the Rose Bowl and write I know there were many losses last year.  A job.  Some friends, so it seems.  For a while, my dignity. 

Yet in the death of the old there is also new life.  A new start.  A new calling with purpose.  New friendships.  Deepened friendships.  A bright future.  God’s grace.  Redemption.  Hope.

In the recovery community I hear people talk about being thankful for their struggles and addiction because it has led to their present place in life.  I’m getting there, but not there yet I think.  But I do feel peace and serenity.  I see God at work and I hear His call.  I know that out of death God creates something new.  Sometimes it just means more than closing one chapter and starting another.  It sometimes means starting a new book. 

How about you?  How are you on this day?  No matter where you are, I want you to know God is not through with you yet.  God continues to work, sometimes in big ways, often behind the scenes.  It may be a new page, another chapter, or a new book, whatever the case I know that God’s faithfulness is sure.  In the death of the old, there is always the promise of new life!  God turns our struggles into victory.  Our sorrows into joy.  Remember, His mercies are new every day.

So.  Happy New Year……and for me;

Chapter 1

See you at the Lighthouse,



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